Swami Vivekananda and his compassion

Year 1902, Place: Belur Math

Swami Vivekananda was staying in the Math. Some Santhal laborers used to work in the Math. They were poor, uneducated and simple. Swamiji had great sympathy, bordering on love, for these laborers who, despite honest and hard labor, could not feed their family adequately. The compassionate heart of Swami Vivekananda would grieve and melt for these poor fellows. He would inquire about their family, say simple jokes, and mix with these 'lowly fellows'. The spiritual personality of Swamiji would see suffering Narayana in them. His heart would get filled with unparalleled pity, compassion, and kindness towards these Santhal workers.

Like Gopis of Vraja, who would protest to Krishna not to play the sweet music on his flute, for it attracted them to Him and His Raas Lila with such great intensity that they used to forget their homes and husbands, these workers would also protest: "O my Swamiji, do not come to us when we are working, for while talking to you our work stops and the supervising swami rebukes us afterwards." With such intensity of love, Swami Vivekananda would attract these poor laborers.

One day Swamiji had a desire to feed these workers. Accordingly, he made arrangements for their lunch. At his orders, bread, curry, sweets, and curds etc. were arranged for the Santhals. Sitting before the Swami, all of them relished the sumptuous food. One Keshta said: "O Swami, whence have you got such a thing! We never tasted anything like this." Feeding them to their heart's content, Swami Vivekananda said, "You are Narayana, God manifest; today I have offered food to Narayana."

Turning to the disciple, the Swami said: "I found them the veritable embodiment of God - such simplicity, such sincere guileless love I have seen nowhere else." And later addressing the sannyasins of the Math, Swami Vivekananda had said: "Can you mitigate their misery a little! Otherwise, of what good is the wearing of the Gerrua (ochre) robe? Sacrifice of everything for the good of others is real sannyasa..." "Seeing the poor people of our country starving for food, a desire comes to my mind to overthrow all ceremonial worship and learning, and go around from place to place to serve these poor and afflicted..."

Such love for suffering humanity had come to the heart of Swami Vivekananda from the teachings of his Master, Sri Ramakrishna. Seeing God everywhere, and in particular His most dramatic and full expression in human beings was the main emphasis of the teaching of New Vedanta as propagated by Sri Ramakrishna. Innumerable examples can be cited to highlight this point. For instance, Sri Ramakrishna once remarked, 'I wondered why should be God meditated upon only with eyes closed, He should be seen all around us in all human beings even with eyes wide open!'

Subcontracting - Just for fun

Three contractors . . . one from India, another from Germany and the third from England are bidding to repair the White House fence. They go with a White House official to examine the fence.

The English contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. "Well," he says. "I figure the job will run $900 . . . $400 for materials, $400 for labour and $100 profit for me."

The German contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, "I can do this job for $700 . . . $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me."

The Indian contractor doesn't measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers: "$2,700." The official, incredulous, says, "You didn't even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?"

"Easy," the Indian explains, "$1,000 for you, $1,000 for me and we hire the guy from Germany to do the work."

Note- Substitute countries of your choice as you wish! Its Just for fun.

Speed Thrills...But Kills !!!

Hi friend,

Before scrolling down, let me strongly warn you that it contains the most horrendous pictures you might have ever scene, so if you are not mentally strong enough, don't force yourself to see these pictures. But if you have craze for driving bikes at high speed, it is a must watch for you.

I would especially suggest girls and underage boys not to scroll down, but only forward the link to all those whom you care and who has passion to drive motorcycle speedily and carelessly, I am sure it would be a really a biggest lesson of their life.

You would say if that was the case, why I am posting such pictures. Actually, I myself love to ride bike at high speed, but these pictures impacted me a lot, and I have started driving safely, and I am sure after seeing it, anybody will also do so.
So pass it on to to all those for whom you care for!!!

Take care,

Speed Thrills...But Kills

Drive Safely!!!

Please post your suggestions and Comments here, it could be a message for the people who drive crazily. And do tell me whether the post was useful or not.

Result of not taking care while Travelling in Trains

Don't let this happen to You, friends

Like you, this man too, had a dream.

Like you, he too pushed his way into the crowded train

Like you, he too wanted to get going before he got delayed

Unlike you, he slipped and fell in the gap between the train and the platform at Kandivli station.

And eight bogies went over him

Find out what happened to this man on

The man obviously has a guardian angel and supportive bystanders who told him exactly what he shouldn't do - move. And so, the man lay absolutely still as eight bogies of the train passed over him - centimeters from his head. Within seconds the 12-coach train passed and the man clambered out, unaided, unhurt, but too shocked to speak to us after his near-death experience

Untidy safety habits
Can trip you up.

Most Boring Stuff For you - My Introduction :)

I am a very simple looking but high thinking, purely vegetarian guy.

I am very fortunate to be dikshit from Sri Sri Anukul Chandra Thakur ji. My whole family is actually dikshit from his holiness.

My ideal is Swami Vivekananda and I am fan of Swami Ramdev and Laxmi Mittal. I am really inspired by these lines of Swamiji -"So long as the millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold every man a traitor who, having been educated at their expense, pays not the least heed to them. - Swami Vivekananda"

My short term aim is to be a super successful entrepreneur. Neither for fame nor for money. But for serving all the needy people in the Indian society. To serve the needy properly I need huge amount of power, fame and money which I will surely acquire in few years by now. It will take time but I am slowly but steadily heading towards it. Thus my core ambition is to serve the poor and needy persons.

I have posted my spiritualistic views on my blog, do give ur suggestion der, it will alwasy be appreciated dear.


I want all Indians to rise above regionalism and casteism, to rise above gender and economic disparities, to rise above the divisive squabbles of petty politics, to rise above the destructive mindset of apathy and despair. To all my fellow-Indians, I call out to join me building a new, strong, united and resurgent India. Join my community 'Rise above Regionalism' community. To view/join the 'Rise above Regionalism' community page, visit:


I am a Masters in Computer Applications and working as a Software Professional. My Expertise is in ASP.net and C#. I have developed many sites in ASP.net like www.jagritcancerfoundation.com, www.vardaanmedicalcenter.com, www.calcuttamusichouse.com, etc. and many other web based abd desktop applications mainly using C#, ASP.net and VB6. Thus you can say programming is my passion.

I think thats enough for now, you cant praise yourself more than this :), Will post more about me gradually, which I am dead sure wont be much interest to you, but will try also to post some useful links for you.

God bless you friend, thanks for giving ur valuable time and visiting my blog.